Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cold War - Photo Gellary

Atomic bomb

Most of the people believed that Cold War had started since the first atomic bomb was dropped by the American on Japan, Hiroshima city in 1945. From that time on other countries, especially USSR started to build such powerful weapons as the Atomic bomb. Which made it worse for the relation between the USA. If I were living during those days, I would be scared to death. I might even build bomb shelter to protect from such weapon.

Arms race

Arms race is one of the major causes of Cold War. Many different countries around the world (mainly USA and USSR) were always the top two countries racing in a tie score. Missiles were the new technology introduces to the armies, and it made them more powerful. If I were living during those days, I would live each day as if they were the last. Just because of a press of a button the whole world could have come to an end.

Berlin Wall

Berlin wall symbolize Cold War had really begin. It was built to separate the Capitalist from Communist in Berlin. The wall was built for many reasons and it cut off relation between the Soviet Union and the West. This made the Soviet leader Khrushchev more embarrassed. Thinking about living in a country like Berlin those days would be hard. Staying in a city divided into half would be the last place I would wanted to be.

Korean War

Korean War was the First Proxy war during Cold War. The fighting started between the capitalist powers supported by the USA, later by the U.N Communist power supported by the Chinese and secretly by the USSR “Under the Red Carpet”. The fighting was started in 1950 and ended during 1953. The cost of the war separated the North Koreans (Communist) from the South Koreans (Capitalist) at 38 Parallel. Living during would be like Refugees because there were a lot of fighting going back and forth.

Vietnam War

Another Proxy war during the Cold War occurs in Vietnam. This time was to keep the dominion theory. The US never declares war on North Vietnam. This time the Communist (North Vietnam) had won the war which was the most shocking war for the US because they had never lost a war. If I were alive those days I would be protesting to stop the war fought for nothing.

Cold War Project - Political Cartoon

The Iron Curtain

The cartoon shows that US, Britain, France and UN trying to break the iron curtain made by the Soviets. What the author trying to say is that the Soviet Union was strong and powerful that not even the powerful force can break it.

Brink of War

This picture represent the arms race between the US and USSR during Cold War. Both leaders Kennedy and Khrushchev are standing on the edge which symbolized the brink of war. This was during the missile crises. The letter that Kennedy holding was the message from Khrushchev said “Salt I” agreement.

Frozen Assets

The soldier from the back represent how powerful Russia was. Their uniform and the weather indicate that they were Russians. During the Cold War missile were not been used so the missile were frozen in the cartoon.

Marry Christman (Not)

The man in the suit was the president Nixon carrying a bag of skeleton. The little boy was the son of the father who was killed in the Vietnam War. The skeleton was what is left of his father. The setting was during Christmas night. The boy opens the door thinking Nixon as Santa giving present.

Hot line

There was not proper communication during the cold war. The leader of the most power full countries US and USSR were cut off in communication. Without any communication they can’t talk about peace accept to fight. So the red phone was put on the desk of the leaders to talk about PEACE.

Cold War Project Leaders

-Made the iron curtain
-Berlin Blockade
-Warsaw Pact
-Supported the North Korean

-Visited USA(Kitchen Debate)
-Secretly Ship missiles to Cuba
-Build the Berlin wall
-U-2 incident

-Remove missiles from Europe
-Stop sending aids to the Soviet Satellite
-Soviet withdraw from Afghanistan
-Berlin Wall falls

-Cut off relation with Cuba
-Bay of Pig invasion
-US involved in Vietnam
-Secretly withdraw the missiles from Turkey

-Sign SLAT I
-Built MIRV missiles
-Improve relation with China
-Retreat soldier from Vietnam

-Establishment of NATO
-Containment Policy
-Marshall Plan
-Domino Theory


Above the entire leaders listed, I admire the Gorbachev the most. He is the one who made most of the daring decisions to have peace in the world. He improve relation with the USA and made many treaties to reduce arms. He stop providing aids to the Satellite countries. If he does not make any treaty with the US we might still be at Cold War right now. Thanks to him now we are living at Peace and the Cold War ended.

Cold War Project Map

Iron Curtain

The red line on the map indicates the split between Capitalism (Western Europe) and Communism (Eastern Europe). The East was under the control of Russia called the Satellite states. The East goes to the controls of Britain, France and USA. Germany was the only country split into half. The cold war was never fought at Europe.

Berlin Airlift

This map represents the Berlin airlift. The Line in the middle indicates the return of the planes trail and the left trail, right trail shows the entering direction. Berlin was also split into half because most of the important government buildings were in capital. This was divided into two sectors, for the capitalist and communist. Stalin made the blockade to West Berlin because it was the capitalist so the West Germany had to send supplies by air.

Cold War Project

Latter to a Friend

Dear: Friend

I wrote this letter on behalf of fear. Now you would probably know that we will be separated for ever. I just don’t get it why built a wall to separate the city. It was very awful thing that I had witness. Last two nights ago I was coming home late from my work at West Berlin. When I was about to open the front door I heard soldier shouting “hurry up, quickly”. They were carrying bob wire and laying it straight the street separated between our houses. I was standing there watching them, and one of the soldiers came straight up to me and said “Sir, please go into your house”. My reply was “why should I this is my property”. He reach his gun told me the same thing again; I was scared so I went running straight into my house and close all the light. I went to bad quickly without changing. Next mourning I woke up early and look out side. The road was split into half by bob wire and the soldiers were standing watching the labors building the wall. I stay inside that day thinking why they are building the wall. That evening I was just about to come to your house to give you some papers, suddenly I hard gun fire. So I ran back to my house and pack my things incase if something happen. That night I could not sleep. I was just sitting and watching the street quietly from the window. I stay up awake until six and than my eye close without control. Than a phone rang, it was you who called me. I just woke up so I couldn’t say a word than with surprise we got disconnected. I went out of my house this time and saw a big wall been built and I read the news front page said “Berlin is cut for ever”.

Don’t tell anyone that I wrote this letter and wrote me back too. Just scramble the paper and throw it on to my roof floor.

Your friend