Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cold War Project - Political Cartoon

The Iron Curtain

The cartoon shows that US, Britain, France and UN trying to break the iron curtain made by the Soviets. What the author trying to say is that the Soviet Union was strong and powerful that not even the powerful force can break it.

Brink of War

This picture represent the arms race between the US and USSR during Cold War. Both leaders Kennedy and Khrushchev are standing on the edge which symbolized the brink of war. This was during the missile crises. The letter that Kennedy holding was the message from Khrushchev said “Salt I” agreement.

Frozen Assets

The soldier from the back represent how powerful Russia was. Their uniform and the weather indicate that they were Russians. During the Cold War missile were not been used so the missile were frozen in the cartoon.

Marry Christman (Not)

The man in the suit was the president Nixon carrying a bag of skeleton. The little boy was the son of the father who was killed in the Vietnam War. The skeleton was what is left of his father. The setting was during Christmas night. The boy opens the door thinking Nixon as Santa giving present.

Hot line

There was not proper communication during the cold war. The leader of the most power full countries US and USSR were cut off in communication. Without any communication they can’t talk about peace accept to fight. So the red phone was put on the desk of the leaders to talk about PEACE.


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